Anti Bullying At Peakhurst West Public School
Bullying is described as deliberate, hurtful gestures, words or actions that may be repeated over time.
Examples include:
- being excluded from a group of friends
- being hit, pushed or kicked
- cyber bullying – receiving offensive text, web based, or social networking messages
- being called offensive names
- having possessions interfered with or stolen
- offensive graffiti
What you can do about bullying
- Tell the person(s) involved to stop
- Ask other people to stop, if you observe them bullying someone
- If you are being bullied, or someone you know is being bullied, report it
You can report it to:
- friend(s)
- parent(s)/caregiver(s)
- teacher(s)
- counsellor, or outside agency
When to report
Report bullying as soon as it happens.
Do not ignore it, it may get worse.
How we respond to reported incidents of bullying
- We will listen and talk to the person who is being bullied and to the person(s) doing the bullying.
- We will put negotiated consequences in place for the person who has been bullying others. These may include a formal warning, contact with parents, and mediation processes.
These steps may change depending on the circumstance – each person and incident is different.
Prevention strategies
- We use our positive school values to foster an environment of respect
- We use curriculum through our Home Group Lesson program to teach students about respectful relationships
- Our school fosters a caring environment where students are related to as individuals
- We aim to teach students about violence prevention, conflict resolution, anger management and problem solving
- We develop policies to promote student safety
- We value and celebrate diversity
Intervention strategies include:
- Counselling for those bullied and bullying
- Contacting parents to discuss strategies
- Consequences for bullies (including suspension for cyber bullying that occurs outside the school)
Post-intervention strategies include:
- Monitoring those bullied to ensure their continued safety and wellbeing
- Checking that the bullying has stopped