Get to know our school staff. We're all here to help.
Our professional, university-educated teachers encourage students to develop a love of learning and a desire to succeed. They maintain the highest integrity and concern for your child’s wellbeing.
The principal is responsible for the educational leadership and management of our school. If you would like to speak to the principal, please contact us to make an appointment.
Our school administrative staff can answer inquiries or direct you to the appropriate staff member for help.
School leadership team 2025
Mrs Rebecca Ingram
Leadership Team
Mrs Brooke Beynon - Stage 3
Ms Cindy Lucock (Stage 2)
Ms Nicole Peereboom (Early Stage 1 and Stage 1)
Mrs Mary Floratos (Curriculum and Instruction)
Mrs Anna Elliott (School Administration Manager)
Class Teachers
Kindergarten - Miss Jean-Louis, Mrs Frouxiou (M,T,W,F), Mrs Sekulceski (Th)
Year 1 - Ms Peereboom
Year 1/Year 2 - Mrs Kostoglou
Year 2 - Ms Robinson
Year 2/Year 3 - Mrs Power (M,T,W,F) Mrs Floratos (Th)
Year 3/Year 4 - Miss Muir and Ms Lucock
Year 4/Year 5 - Mr Bishop (M,T,W) Mrs Pearce (Th,F)
Year 5/Year 6 - Ms Reid and Mr King
K-6 Support Classes - Ms Love, Ms Baxter and Mr Kirkwood
RFF Team
Mrs Sekulceski - Wed, Thurs and Fri
Ms Nelson - Wed, Thurs and Fri
Mrs Stubis
Mrs Lymberis - (EAL/D and RFF)
Specialist Staff
Learning and Support Teacher - Mrs Stubis
English as an Additional Language and Dialect - Mrs Lymberis
School Counsellor - Ms Sophie Moutia
Administration Team
Manager - Anna Elliott
Admin officers - Mrs Danielle Wilson and Mrs Sanaa Dabbagh
General Assistant - Mr John
School support staff
Specialist Teaching Staff
Assistant Principal Curriculum and Instruction - Mrs Mary Floratos
English as an additional language and Dialect Teacher - Mrs Marie Frouxiou (Mon-Thu)
Learning and Support Teacher - Mrs Anita Stubis
Teacher Librarian - Mrs Monica Meoli (Mon - Wed)
School Counsellor - Ms Sophie Moutia (Tues and every 2nd Friday)
Administration Staff
School Administration Manager - Mrs Anna Elliott (Tue-Fri)
School Administration Officer - Mrs Danielle Wilson
School Administration Officer - Mrs Sanaa Dabbagh (Mon and Fri)
School Administration Officer - Mrs Danielle Lucas (Mon-Wed)
School Administration Officer - Ms Kim Rosslind (Thu and Fri)
Business Manager - Mrs Rita Lamotta (Thu and Fri)
General Assistant - Mr John - (Wed and Thurs)
Canteen Manager - Mrs Yvonne Jansa
Classroom Support Staff
School Learning Support Officer - Mr Brendan Morris
School Learning Support Officer - Ms Regina Todarello
School Learning Support Officer - Ms Jennifer Hearne (Tue and Wed)