At Peakhurst West Public School all classes have a library lesson during the week. All children are encouraged to borrow but need a library bag to borrow books.
The library is open for quiet play, reading and computer use during lunchtimes.
To enter books in your online reading record:
1. Please select 'logon' from the menu on the left.
2. Use your school internet details (firstname.lastname + internet password) to log on to the site.
3. Select 'reading record' from the menu on the left.
4. Under 'title', start entering the title of the book, Leave off articles like "the" and "A" from the beginning. The site should offer you a list of possible titles to choose from, select the correct one from the list and the remaining information will be filled in for you.
5. Click on the 'enter' button on the right. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for each new book.
Students are encouraged to participate in the Premiers Reading Challenge. Students from Kindergarten to Year 2 are supported in their library sessions to complete this. While students in Years 3-6 complete this by themself.
Premiers Reading Challenge Log